The village Wald im Pinzgau / Königsleiten
There are 1.176 inhabitants in Wald-Königsleiten living on an area of the the size of approximately 70 km².
The municipality consists of several districts - two of them are Wald and Königsleiten.
"Wald im Oberpinzgau" is part of the region "Nationalpark Hohe Tauern". Our sunny valley is located 900 metres above sea level, Königsleiten is 10 km away on the sunny mountain pass Gerlos on 1.600 m. The two villages are embedded between the "Hohe Tauern" in the South and the "Kitzbühler Alps" in the North.
Wald/Königsleiten offers numerous possibilities of summer- and wintersports and is an ideal starting point for excursions to other sights of the region.